Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cities are Brands too! People go where they "feel at home"!

Branding is about connection and feeling.  It is no wonder why Los Angeles is "home" to many Americans. The City of Angels offers so much; and this video by Coin Rich does the city justice.  It is one of the most beautiful displays of a city in America that I've seen.  A video that speaks to its brand!
LA Light from Colin Rich on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Apple the "Super Brand"!

With all the revenue coming into Apple. It is safe to say they are the "Super Brand". Now, Apple continues to invest in America and its employees.

The New High Resolution Renders of Apple's Next Campus Are Gorgeous

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Advertising that sells. Will Brands favor Amazon over Google?

Given today's tough marketplace, every ad dollar counts. Turning those advertisements into revenue will play big for and Brands. Will overpower Google's SEO capabilities too? Why Amazon Is About to Become a Force in Online Advertising | DigitalNext: A Blog on Emerging Media and Technology - Advertising Age