Sunday, September 15, 2013

Technology and the Economies of Scale.

While there are still some advantages to scale, the disadvantages often outweigh them.  Big firms lots of customers, a large workforce and stodgy institutional investors to keep happy, which often results in strategic rigidity.  To compete in the new economy, we need a new playbook.
The End Of The Scale Economy

Marketing Strategy For The Digital Age

In the digital age, brands are no longer corporate assets to be leveraged, but communities of belief and purpose. 4 Principles of Marketing Strategy For The Digital Age

Friday, September 13, 2013

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock at $365 by December 2013?

Unless Apple, Inc. starts buying back shares, it seems possible that the share price may fall below its 52-week low?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Android set to outpace iPhone in marketshare.

As mentioned in a previous post, Android has come a long way. It’s now much more elegant and can finally compete against a platform like iOS. iPhone user thinking of switching to Android? Read this first

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Samsung vs. Apple

With the launch of new digital gear, Samsung's Galaxy Gear brand seems poised to give Apple an run for its money.  Your Turn, Apple | TechCrunch